AstonishMe! "Display Code" plugin version 2

Short Description

Display computer code in a post.

Detailed Description

Display computer code easily. This plugin renders character entities on the fly, so you can cut'n-paste normal code directly into your posts and it will always look like normal code, even when editing the post (i.e., no preprocessing of the code is required). Include line numbers (customizable starting number). The best part about the line numbers - visitors can cut'n-paste the code from your post, leaving the line numbers behind! Accepts BBcode tags and doesn't render smilies. Coloration of PHP code, plus PHP manual links for PHP functions. Easy to install and easy to use. No hacks. Degrades nicely, if the plugin is off. Styling completely customizable via an included CSS file.


  1. Upload the am_code_plugin folder into the "plugins" folder.
  2. Login to the back office.
  3. Install (Go to: Settings -> Plug-ins -> "Available plugins", click the [Install] link).

Basic Usage

Paste code between <amcode> and </amcode> tags.
Paste PHP between <amphp> and </amphp> tags.
To set starting line number use <am[code|php] line="##">


We hope you find this plugin useful. Latest news & more information: Display Code v2 Home Page

-The AstonishMe! Team