SQL Table Reference March 5, 2005


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This document contains information on the fields inside the Nucleus database tables.

The structure as presented here is for Nucleus v3.2.

Table Of Contents

Color codesback to top

This document uses some visual styles to indicate the type of columns. An overview is listed below:

primary Primary keys
foreign Foreign keys (click to go to the references value in other columns). Please note that MySQL does not enforce foreign key restrictions.
toremove Tables/columns that will probably be removed in upcoming Nucleus version, in favor of plugins that provide the same functionality.
fulltext There is a fulltext index on the column (used for searches).

Table nucleus_blogback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
bnumber int(11) Blog ID
bname varchar(60) '' Blog Name
bshortname varchar(15) '' Short Blog Name (as used in skinvars <%blog%> etc.)
bdesc varchar(200) NULL Blog Description
bcomments tinyint(2) '1' Enable comments (1=true, 0=false)
bmaxcomments int(11) '0' Maximum amount of comments to show on index skintypes (inline comments). The default value (0) means that there is no limit. If you don't use inline comments, you shouldn't edit this.
btimeoffset decimal(3,1) '0.0' Time offset to use. The items will be stored in the database using the correct time (server time+offset).
bnotify varchar(60) NULL Notify e-mail address. On certain events (see bnotifytype for the exact definition of these events), a notification e-mail is sent out to this e-mail address.
burl varchar(100) NULL Blog URL
bupdate varchar(60) NULL Update file that needs to be altered each time a new item is posted to the weblog. Its an absolute path of a file on the server.
bdefskin int(11) '1' Default skin to use when displaying this weblog
bpublic tinyint(2) '1' Allow comments by non-registered members? (1=true/0=false)
bsendping tinyint(2) '0' Send a ping to weblogs.com on update? (1=true/0=false)
bconvertbreaks tinyint(2) '1' Convert line breaks to <br />? (1=true/0=false)
bdefcat int(11) NULL Default category. This category will be selected by default when no other category is selected.
bnotifytype int(11) '15' Which events to send notification e-mails on (see bnotify for the specification of the e-mail address). It's a combination of three values (multiply the values to get the notify type):
  • 3: New comment
  • 5: New karma vote
  • 7: New item
Default = New comments & New karma votes (3*5=15)
ballowpast tinyint(2) '0' Allow backdating of items and editing the timestamp of an item (1=true/0=false)
bincludesearch tinyint(2) '0' Always include in search queries, even if the query is on another blog (1=true/0=false)

Table nucleus_categoryback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
catid int(11) Category ID
cblog int(11) '0' Blog to which the category belongs
cname varchar(40) NULL Category Name
cdesc varchar(200) NULL Category Description

Table nucleus_itemback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
inumber int(11) Item ID
ititle varchar(160) NULL Title
ibody text Body text
imore text Extended text
iblog int(11) '0' Blog to which the item belongs to
iauthor int(11) '0' Member that is the author of the item
itime datetime '0000-00-00 00:00:00' Item time (this is the corrected time, with offset already applies)
iclosed tinyint(2) '0' Is item closed? (1=true/0=false). When an item is closed, it's no longer possible to add new comments or cast 'karma votes'
idraft tinyint(2) '0' Is the item a draft version? Draft versions only show up in the admin area.
ikarmapos int(11) '0' Total amount of positive karma votes casted
ikarmaneg int(11) '0' Total amount of negative karma votes casted
icat int(11) NULL Category to which the item belongs

Table nucleus_commentback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
cnumber int(11) Comment ID
cbody text Comment text
cuser varchar(40) NULL Anonymous user name (only used when comment was placed by a non-member. For members, see cmember)
cmail varchar(100) NULL E-mail address or URL (only used when comment was placed by a non-member. For members, see cmember)
cmember int(11) NULL ID of site member that placed the commend (0 for comments by non-members)
citem int(11) '0' Item ID to which the comment is attached
ctime datetime '0000-00-00 00:00:00' Time of comment
chost varchar(60) NULL Hostname from where the comment was placed
cip varchar(15) '' IP address from where the comment was placed
cblog int(11) '0' Blog to which the comment belongs (this is redundant information)

Table nucleus_memberback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
mnumber int(11) Member ID
mname varchar(16) '' Display name (the one used to login)
mrealname varchar(60) NULL Full name
mpassword varchar(40) '' password (md5 hash)
memail varchar(60) NULL E-mail address. This should always be a valid address.
murl varchar(100) NULL URL of members site
mnotes varchar(100) NULL Extra notes (members can fill these out themselves)
madmin tinyint(2) '0' Is super-admin? (1=true/0=false; super-admins have all rights; there must be at least one super-admin in the system)
mcanlogin tinyint(2) '1' Can logon to admin area? (1=true/0=false)
mcookiekey varchar(40) NULL A copy of the key that is stored in the users cookie. This key is used to log on. When a member logs on, a random cookiekey is generated. One copy goes into the database, another one goes into a cookie on the users computer. (together with the username).
deflang varchar(20) '' Language file to use for this member. When empty, uses the default site language.

Table nucleus_teamback to top

For each team member of a blog, there is a row in this table.

Column Name Type Default Description
tmember int(11) '0' Member ID
tblog int(11) '0' Blog of which member is on team
tadmin tinyint(2) '0' Is blog admin? (0=false/1=true; each blog must have at least one admin)

Table nucleus_pluginback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
pid int(11) Plugin ID
pfile varchar(40) '' Filename (e.g. NP_CommentControl) of plugin. This must be a file in the plugins directory (.php extension).
porder int(11) '0' Order in which the plugins are called, and in which they are displayed on the plugins page. A lower order number places the plugin earlier in the list.

Table nucleus_plugin_eventback to top

A cache that remembers which plugins are registered to which events. Thsi information is stored to avoid having to load all plugins on each requests just to find out which events they want to have. More info on plugins events

Column Name Type Default Description
pid int(11) '0' Plugin ID
event varchar(40) NULL Name of event

Table nucleus_plugin_optionback to top

Values for the plugin options. See the nucleus_plugin_option_desc table for the definition of the options itself.

Column Name Type Default Description
oid int(11) Identification of the option (See the nucleus_plugin_option_desc table)
ovalue TEXT '' Value of the option
ocontextid int(11) '0' Semantics depend on the option context type,

Table nucleus_plugin_option_descback to top

For each option created by a plugin, a row is present in this table.

Column Name Type Default Description
oid int(11) Option ID. Used from nucleus_plugin_option
opid int(11) '0' Plugin to which the option belongs
oname varchar(20) '' Name of the option
ocontext varchar(20) '' Context of the option (global, blog, category, member)
odesc varchar(255) NULL Option description
otype varchar(20) NULL option type. See plugin documentation.
odef text Default value for options
oextra text Extra data needed for some option types (e.g. select option type)

Table nucleus_skinback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
sdesc int(11) '0' Reference to the skin description
stype varchar(20) '' Skinpart type
  • index
  • item
  • archive
  • archivelist
  • search
  • error
  • member
  • imagepopup
scontent text Contents of the skinpart

Table nucleus_skin_descback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
sdnumber int(11) Skin ID
sdname varchar(20) '' Name of skin
sddesc varchar(200) NULL Skin description
sdtype varchar(40) 'text/html' mimetype of skin
sdincmode varchar(10) 'normal' Include mode
  • normal
  • skindir
sdincpref varchar(50) '' Prefix to use when including files

Table nucleus_templateback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
tdesc int(11) '0' Reference to template description info
tpartname varchar(20) '' Name of template part
  • ITEM
tcontent text Contents of templatepart

Table nucleus_template_descback to top

Column Name Type Default Description
tdnumber int(11) Template ID
tdname varchar(20) '' Name of template
tddesc varchar(200) NULL Template description

Table nucleus_actionlogback to top

[[general purpose description]]

Column Name Type Description
timestamp datetime '0000-00-00 00:00:00' Time of action
message varchar(255) '' Action message

Table nucleus_configback to top

Nucleus stores some global options in the nucleus_config table. They can be accessed at any time using $CONF['OptionName'] (the values are read on each request and stored in a global array named $CONF)

Column Name Type Default Description
name varchar(20) '' Option name
value varchar(128) NULL Option value

Available Options

An overview of available options is given below:

Options for yes/no options are represented using 1/0 (1=yes/true, 0=no/false)

Name Default Value Description
DefaultBlog 1 Default weblog. This is the blog that will be used when no other blog has been specified in the request.
AdminEmail E-mail address of site administrator
IndexURL URL of website. Should end with a slash.
Language english Language file to use by default. A file languagename.php must exist in the languages directory.
SessionCookie 0 Use session cookie instead of cookies with a lifetime of one month?
AllowMemberCreate 0 Allow visitors to create their own account?
AllowMemberMail 1 Allow members to send messages to each other through the member mail forms (e-mail addresses remain hidden)
SiteName Name of the website
AdminURL URL of admin area. Should end with a slash.
NewMemberCanLogon 1 Can newly registered members login right away? If not, the administrator will have to change their 'can login' option first
DisableSite 0 Is the website disabled? If so, only the administrator can access it. All other visitors are redirected to DisableSiteURL.
DisableSiteURL An URL to redirect to when the site is disabled.
LastVisit 0 Save 'Last Visit' cookies
MediaURL URL of media folder. Should end with a slash.
AllowedTypes jpg, jpeg, gif, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, mp3, swf, png Filetypes that can be uploaded
AllowLoginEdit 0 Allow members to edit their login name and password?
AllowUpload 1 Allow file uploads?
DisableJsTools 2 Style of the javascript toolbar:
  • 0: full featured (IE)
  • 1: toolbar disabled
  • 2: simpler (Gecko)
CookiePath / Path to set cookie on
CookiePrefix String to prefix cookie names with. This is useful when multiple Nucleus installs are on the same domain, as it prevents login sessions to interfere with each other.
CookieDomain Domain to set cookie on
CookieSecure 0 Secure cookie (https)
MediaPrefix 1 If true, the uploaded files get the current date in their filename.
MaxUploadSize 1048576 Max. size of uploaded files (in bytes)
NonmemberMail 0 Allow non-members to send e-mail messages to site members?
PluginURL URL of plugin folder. Should end with a slash.
ProtectMemNames 1 When this option is enabled, non-logged in members cannot add comments using the same name as registered members. The reason to do this would be to avoid guest impersonating members.
BaseSkin 1 The option tells Nucleus which skin to fall back to when no such decision can be automatically made. This happens when skin parts are empty, when no blog or skin is implicitly/explicitly selected.
SkinsURL URL of skins folder. Should end with a slash.
ActionURL URL of action.php script.
URLMode normal either normal or pathinfo
DatabaseVersion 250 Last Nucleus version for which the database structure has been updated (introduced in Nucleus v2.5)

Table nucleus_ticketsback to top

Nucleus uses the nucleus_tickets to prevent against certain security issues. In particular: each action on the admin area that affects the settings or database contents, requires a ticket. These tickets are generated when requesting an admin area page and passed along with the form. Tickets are destroyed one hour after their creation.

Column Name Type Default Description
ticket varchar(40) Unique ticket, valid for one particular member. A typical ticket looks like this: 65303a785423b4d53c7b3e6579766f26
member int(11) Member for which this ticket is valid.
ctime datetime Time of ticket creation. A ticket is valid no longer than one hour.

Table nucleus_activationback to top

When a new member registers, Nucleus doesn't allow that member to log in before his account is activated. This activation is done by sending out an activation link to the members email address. The nucleus_activation table keeps track of the activations that are in progress.

Column Name Type Default Description
vkey varchar(40) Activation key. This key needs to be passed to the member activation code. A typical key looks like this: 41cf637d4fbeeff954b4ca70b8bde9dd
vmember int(11) Member which needs to be activated.
vtime datetime Time at which activation key was generated. Each activation key is valid no longer than 2 days.
vtype varchar(15) Type of activation.
  • forgot: member forgot his password.
  • register: new member registration.
  • addresschange: member changed his e-mail address.
vextra varchar(128) Extra information. For an addresschange type of activation, this contains oldemailaddress/x with x either 0 or 1 and refering to the previous value of the mcanlogin field in the member table. (untill fully re-activated, a user cannot login)

Table nucleus_karmaback to top

This table will most likely be removed in future Nucleus version, in favor of plugins with the same functionality.

This table keeps track of IP addresses that have already voted for an item. This way, each IP address can cast only one vote.

Column Name Type Default Description
itemid int(11) '0' Item ID
ip char(15) '' IP address of voter

Table nucleus_banback to top

This table will most likely be removed in future Nucleus version, in favor of plugins with the same functionality.

IP bans. These people cannot comment or cast karma votes.

Column Name Type Default Description
iprange varchar(15) '' IP 'range'. This can either be a full IP address or part of an IP address (starting from the left) to ban ranges
reason varchar(255) '' A message with the reason why someone was banned. This message will be shown when they try to add a comment/cast a vote.
blogid int(11) '0' Blog for which the ban is active